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Reading for Mass Communication

ชื่อหนังสือ Reading for Mass Communication
ผู้แต่ง Assoc. Prof.Bhikul Punyaratabandhu
พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 10
ปีที่พิมพ์ 2553
ขนาด 18.50 x 26 ซม.
จำนวน 236 หน้า
ราคา 180 บาท
ISBN 978-616-556-048-1

This Book,  Reading for Mass Communication is  designed to help learners of English as a foreign language to familiarise themselves with the English of the mass media, and enable them to make good use of mass media to improve their language proficiency in order to read more effectively.          The book starts by introducing the learners to newspapers and guiding them to find what they want to read.  Then it shows the learners how to build up their vocabulary through cuts and captions.  In the units that follow, the learners are exposed to various types of useful information and the characteristics and kinds of language used in conveying each type of information.  The reading skills vary in each unit and are relevant to the types of information under study.  The units are arranged so that the learners' reading ability will gradually develop - from reading for the main idea to reading for comprehension, and making conclusions, inferences, judgements, and finally interpretations.


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