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Thai Agriculture : Golden Cradle of Millennia

ชื่อหนังสือ Thai Agriculture : Golden Cradle of Millennia
ผู้แต่ง Prof. Dr.Lindsay Falvey
University of Melbourne
พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 1
ปีที่พิมพ์ 2543
ขนาด 14.50 x 21 ซม.
จำนวน 459 หน้า
ราคา บาท
ISBN 974-553-816-7

Thai agriculture is traced through prehistrory, agro-cities, and religious empires with immigrant Tai, to a sustainable wet glutinous rice culture which shaped institutions for an exporting society.  Agriculture’s provision of security and wealth increased with population and Chinese and European agribusiness, until accessible land was expended.  Employment, crisis resilience, self-sufficiency, rural social support, and culture were maintained through agriculture, although hampered by institutional orientations to taxation more than research and education.  By the 1960s, agribusiness contrasted with small-holders, setting the stage for today’s social dilemmas.  Thailand is one of the world’s few major agricultural exporters, leading in rice, rubber, canned pineapple, Black Tiger Prawn and regional chicken meat.  It feeds some four times its population from less intensive agriculture than its neighbours.  Issues remain in poverty, education, research, governance, national debt, and sensitive alternatives for small-holders.  Past advantages in irrigation, administration, export, multinational agribusiness, negotiation, retained potential, and acceptance of new ideas, suggest that Thailand should remain a major agricultural country as environmental and religious concerns contribute to its unique agriculture


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