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English for Ground and In-flight Attendants

ชื่อหนังสือ English for Ground and In-flight Attendants
ผู้แต่ง Asst. Prof.Nattakan Sukchuen
Department of Foreign Languages
Faculty of Humanities
Kasetsart University
พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 4
ปีที่พิมพ์ 2554
ขนาด 18.50 x 26 ซม.
จำนวน 130 หน้า
ราคา 100 บาท
ISBN 978-616-556-070-2

"English for Ground and In-flight Attendants" is designed for students who wish to work with an airline and for airline personnel who need to use English more effectively in their work. The course comprises eight units which contain many special terms concerning English language which is relevant to this career.  Each unit provides all four language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and each starts with a warm-up activity of which the context is relevant to the topic. There is at least a reading passage, flowed by listening activities based on real-life situations on the ground and in the air.  The exercises in each unit provide language structures used in preparation for speaking activities.  Writing activities are provided at the end of each unit.
The tape recording that accompanies this book for use in the classroom environment provides models for pronunciation as well as listening comprehension exercises.
At the end of the book you will find tapescripts for listening activities. These may be used for speaking practice as well as writing tasks.


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