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Fundamental English 2

ชื่อหนังสือ Fundamental English 2
ผู้แต่ง Asst. Prof.Patsara Pongsukvajchakul, Ph.D.
Faculty of Management Sciences
Kasetsart University, Sri-racha Campus
พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 7
ปีที่พิมพ์ 2562
ขนาด 18.50 x 26 ซม.
จำนวน 154 หน้า
ราคา 130 บาท
ISBN 978-616-556-136-5

This book, Fundamental English 2, mainly serves the students of Kasetsart University, Sri-racha Campus.  The book is composed of seven units.  Each unit is divided into two parts.  In the Language Focus part, the students will review their knowledge in grammatical structures at a more complex level.  As the grammatical structures and their usages are being explained, the students will do some exercises to check their understandings.  In the Reading Comprehension part, passages and exercises are provided for the students to practice their reading skills and to test their comprehension.  At the back of the book, the students are provided with the list of verb forms and answer keys.  With the contents in this book, the students are expected to be able to use the grammatical structures at a more complex level correctly as well as improve their writing and reading skills.


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